Board of Directors


Patrick has been involved in Children Services most of his career; from working in group homes, managing children services, and recently owing and operating a Foster Care Agency.
He is also a Professional Facilitator with Crisis Trauma Resource Institute and Achieve Training Centre. His latest venture is as a Financial Professional licensed with FSRA.
He has a broad array of expertise and a caring disposition. He is father of 5 children and is deeply involved in his community.


Police Officer with Six Nations Police Services; volunteer experience with Six Nations Fire Department, Six Nations Child and Family Services, and New Directions Group.


Mental Health Specialist and interim Supervisor of Crisis Services at St. Leonard’s Community Services.  Part-time employee at St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton as a Crisis Worker through their COAST program. Dedicated to service Families and Client’s in crisis and assisting them in accessing appropriate services in our Community based on their needs.


Jennifer is an employee of the Brant Haldimand Norfolk Catholic District School Board since 2007 and has worked in a variety of roles.  Jennifer is currently a System Special Education Consultant, representing the needs of several schools throughout the system including 2 schools in Brantford.  Jennifer understands the challenges that many families face in navigating support and services in the community and at school for children with significant needs.  She has been blessed to see the tremendous growth that is possible when families and educators are supported in this journey.


Jill retired from the position of Director of Service at Brant Family and Children’s Services (currently Grand Erie Children and Family Services).  As a retired Social Worker, Jill is aware of the significant needs of families in the Brantford and Brant communities.  In Jill’s professional role, she was aware of the important role Contact Brant plays in helping to connect families needing help to coordinated services and has seen the positive effects coordination had on families.   As a community member, Jill wants to continue to support this important work.


Melanie has over 37 years as a registered Early Childhood Educator.  Melanie works at  Mohawk College as a Field Placement Specialist in the Early Childhood Education Program which provides connections within Hamilton, Brantford and Brant County including Haldimand and Norfolk.  She works with Early Learning and Child Care, School Boards, Private Schools, Before and After School Programs, EarlyON Programs Community Services and Special Education.


Kimberly is a registered social worker with 24 years of experience in child protection. Additionally, she works as an approved adoption practitioner in a private practice. Kimberly has extensive experience working with children facing various challenges, such as neonatal abstinence, fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, autism spectrum disorder, and attachment-related struggles and has experience working with families, professionals, and agencies to navigate challenges and access supportive services.


Maxine retired from Contact Brant in June 2020 after a long affiliation there. She was one of the original staff when it opened in the fall of 2000. While there, she held positions of Resource Coordinator, Lead Resource Coordinator, and Coordinated Service Planning Lead. She also completed a brief contract position in Project Management when the Urgent Response Service program became operational.

Maxine also has experience working at The Family Counselling Centre of Brant, now Willowbridge, and Developmental Services Ontario, supporting families and individuals to access and manage their personal supports and services.

Maxine recognizes the important and unique role which Contact Brant provides for all families in Brant and Brant County as well as in the Hamilton Niagara Region, through the Urgent Response Program.

Volunteer activities include Soroptimist International of Grand Erie, Brant Community Legal Clinic, and Brantford Youth Soccer.

We are looking for people who are interested in becoming board members.

Complete the application form or call Contact Brant for more information.

Eligibility for Board of Directors membership:

1. Resident of Brant/Brantford, or have been employed or carried on business in
Brant/Brantford for a continuous period of at least one year immediately prior;

2. Eighteen (18) years of age or older.

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