Meet Our Team

Contact Brant has dedicated professionals who ensure that you and your family can receive services that best fit your needs.

Jane Angus
Jane Angus
Chief Executive Officer
Alison Hilborn
Alison Hilborn
Manager of Service Coordination
Cindy Landry
Cindy Landry
Executive Assistant
Karen Sweeting
Karen Sweeting
Administrative Assistant
Lynn White
Lynn White
URS Administrative Assistant
LeaAnn Boswell
LeaAnn Boswell
Community Navigator
Sarah Wilson
Sarah Wilson
Community Information Assistant
Sheryl Ruman
Sheryl Ruman
Lead Resource Coordinator
Stuart Shaw
Stuart Shaw
Resource Coordinator
Linda McFadyen
Linda McFadyen
FASD Coordinator
Lyndsey Campbell
Lyndsey Campbell
FASD Coordinator
Lauren Freeborn
Lauren Freeborn
Coordinated Service Planner – LOA
Brenda Ziemann
Brenda Ziemann
Service Planning Coordinator
Aleshia Grano
Aleshia Grano
Service Planning Coordinator
Andi Dimashkie
Andi Dimashkie
Lead Urgent Response Service Coordinator
Ellen Tansony
Ellen Tansony
Urgent Response Service Coordinator
Janessa Walters
Janessa Walters
Urgent Response Service Coordinator
Grace Matson
Grace Matson
Urgent Response Service Coordinator
Angela Luedke
Angela Luedke
Urgent Response Service Coordinator
Lindsay Izsak
Lindsay Izsak
URS Front Door Coordinator
Leah Adam
Leah Adam
Urgent Response Service Coordinator
Craig Tustin
Craig Tustin
Peer Support Navigator
Risy Sanni
Kathy Richardson
General Office Assistant