Autism Services

Contact Brant as the Access Mechanism and Lead Coordinating Agency can assist all children and youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder to access appropriate services and resources.   Contact Brant is the Lead Agency for the Urgent Response Service (URS) in the communities of Brant, Haldimand-Norfolk, Hamilton, Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation, Niagara, and Six Nations of the Grand River.  Children and youth registered with the Ontario Autism Program are eligible for URS when experiencing new or worsening high-risk behaviours. Working with the family and community services, our URS Coordinators develop short-term services and supports to respond rapidly to the specific high-risk need to reduce the risk of harm to the child/youth, others, or property.

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Urgent Response Service


families to a URS staff within 2 business days to complete eligibility and intake.


an Urgent Response Service plan by adding time-limited services to address the high-risk behaviour.


Is actively involved with URS providers to implement the new strategies


the discharge plan from URS to identify an ongoing support plan by community services.

Urgent Response Service Eligibility

Use the secure referral link.

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