What is Case Resolution?
Contact Brant is our community’s Case Resolution Mechanism. We work with other community services to ensure that children and youth with urgent and complex needs are planned for by developing appropriate service options to reduce the risk of harm. Children and youth should first be connected to Coordinated Service Planning.
Case Resolution reviews children and youth with complex special needs:
1. Where additional service coordination and/or supports need to be planned by the community due to the complexity of service needs. The Case Resolution Team members are often able to be flexible within their individual agency mandates and work creatively within available resources to collectively meet the needs of these children.
2. Where services and resources are exhausted and not able to fully meet the service needs of the child or youth, and the child/youth is considered ‘imminently at risk’ and there is a clinical recommendation for a specialized service to stabilize the situation. The Case Resolution Team can, in limited situations, make a recommendation for a specialized service to stabilize the situation – these recommendations are short term and time-limited and must include a plan to return the child or youth to locally funded services.
3. At age 16 and age 17 to consider the integrated transition plan to adult services.