What is the Residential Placement
Advisory Committee (RPAC)?

Contact Brant coordinates the RPAC process for any child or youth whose legal guardian resides in the Brant community.

RPAC is an abbreviation for Residential Placement Advisory Committee that is a mandated review as outlined in the Child, Youth and Family Services Act. RPAC has a role to review the appropriateness of a child’s residential placement. Reviews include the child’s point of view, the parent/guardian’s point of view and key service providers involved. Reviews must occur for each child and youth who moves into a residential program licensed for ten or more individuals when the placement will be more than three months. Additionally, any child/youth living in either foster care or a group home of any size can ask for a review. It’s your right!
Contact Brant coordinates the RPAC process for any child or youth whose legal guardian resides in the Brant community.
Service providers must notify Contact Brant within 7 days of a placement being made so that an RPAC review can be held within 45 days of the placement. RPAC excludes placements made under the YCJA Youth Criminal Justice Act), secure treatment and maternity homes.

An RPAC Review will:

Determine whether the child/youth has special need.

Consider the programs available for the child/youth in the residential placement and whether the program is likely to benefit the child/youth.

Consider whether the residential placement is appropriate for the child/youth in the circumstances.

Specify an alternative placement if it considers the placement inappropriate.

Consider the importance of continuity in the child/youth’s care and the possible effect on the child/youth of disruption of that continuity.

Consider the importance of preserving the child/youth’s cultural identity, especially where the child is Indigenous.

Recommend a referral regarding a type of service or the continuation of a current service.

Identify the agency/person responsible for follow up on recommendations.

Contact Brant reports the recommendations of each RPAC review to the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services.